Chapter 13

1 Abram left Egypt with his wife, all his possessions, and Lot, heading south.
2 Abram was very wealthy with many animals, silver, and gold.
3 He traveled from the south to Bethel, to the spot where he first pitched his tent, between Bethel and Ai.
4 To the altar spot he first made, Abram called on God’s name there.
5 Lot, who traveled with Abram, had sheep, cattle, and tents.
6 The land could not support them living together because they had too much stuff, so they could not stay together.
7 Abram’s cattle herders and Lot’s cattle herders argued, and the Canaanite and Perizzite people were living in the land at that time.
8 Abram said to Lot, “Please, let’s not have any arguments between you and me, or between our herders, because we are family.”
9 Isn’t all the land in front of you? Please separate from me. If you choose the left side, I will go to the right; if you go to the right side, I will go to the left.
10 Lot looked around and saw the whole Jordan Valley, which had plenty of water everywhere, like God’s garden or the land of Egypt, before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, all the way to Zoar.
11 Lot picked the whole Jordan valley for himself; then Lot traveled east. So they went their separate ways.
12 Abram lived in Canaan, and Lot lived in the cities of the plain, and set up his tent near Sodom.
13 The Sodom men were very bad and sinned a lot against God.
14 God said to Abram, after Lot had left him, “Now, lift up your eyes and look from where you are, to the north, south, east, and west.”
15 I will give you and your descendants all the land you can see, forever.
16 I will make your descendants as many as the dust of the earth; if someone can count the dust, then they can count your descendants too.
17 Get up, walk around the land through its length and width; for I will give it to you.
18 Abram moved his tent, went to live in Mamre’s plain in Hebron, and built an altar for God there.